Workshops and Courses

Mahi Tahi Tatou offers a variety of courses and workshops across a wide range of skill, crafting, hobbies and general information. These courses will allow you to develop skills for your wellbeing, for life skills and so that you can be confident navigating the many systems involved in getting the support you need.

Below are some of the courses and workshops we have planned for this year:

Basic Employment Readiness

We provide support with CV writing, applications and interview etiquette.

Op Shop / Retail

We offer volunteering and work experience opportunities with the aim of creating paid employment. There are a variety of roles available at the front of the shop and behind the scenes. Customer Services, stock management, cleaning, administration, pick ups and deliveries and more!

Mowing and Gardening Services

Our lawnmowing and gardening team have over 70 properties on their books, in Winter when there is less mowing to do they spend their time cutting firewood and kindling and refurbishing or upcycling furniture for sale at the op shop in Masterton. There are volunteer, work experience, and employment opportunities within this social enterprise.

Let us know if you are interested in any of these opportunities, or if we can help you gain employment in any way.

We would love to hear from you!

Become a Member

Become a Volunteer

“Mā to rourou, mā tōku rourou, ka ora ai te iwi”

By your contribution and my contribution, we will make progress