Lawn Mowing and Garden Maintenance

Supporting people with disabilities to work and earn a living wage whilst being supported by ‘able bodied people’

Mahi Tahi Tatou provides a lawn mowing and gardening service, which employs people with disabilities working alongside ‘able bodied’ people.

All of our staff are valued and this is reflected in their pay rate of at least the living wage.


Garden services include:

    • Lawn mowing
    • Weeding and general garden maintenance
    • Hedge and tree trimming
    • Exterior cleaning and gutter clearing

Contact us for a quote today!

Our hourly rate is

$45 per hour (gst incl)

includes green waste removal

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“Mā to rourou, mā tōku rourou, ka ora ai te iwi”

By your contribution and my contribution, we will make progress